The Ultimate Projector Buying Guide – Explained

Projectors have come a long way since the days of popping popcorn in your basement. They’ve improved in image quality, brightness, and functionality. Before diving headfirst into choosing your projector, it’s important to understand what factors affect the quality of a projector image.

In this ultimate guide for buying a projector, we’ll cover everything from resolution to lens shift to throw ratio and more!

The projector is a great tool for watching movies and TV shows, as well as gaming.

You can use the projector to show off your favorite sports team or game on the big screen, so you don’t miss any plays or touchdowns.

What factors affect the quality of a projector image?

The quality of a projector image is determined by several factors. These include:

  • Resolution – The number of pixels that can be displayed on your screen at once. A higher resolution will produce a sharper and clearer picture, but it’s also more expensive to produce, so you’ll need to decide if this is worth it for your situation.
  • Brightness – How bright a projector can make its image appear compared to ambient light in the room or environment where it’s being used (e.g., dark movie theaters). Higher brightness levels increase contrast ratio between black and white colors as well as reduce eye strain from prolonged viewing sessions without breaks every 30 minutes or so!
  • Aspect Ratio – The width/height ratio between two dimensions (for example: 4:3 vs 16:9). It’s important because when watching movies on your laptop computer screen without special software installed then most people prefer watching them in 16×9 format which allows them enough space around each pixel line onscreen without having text cut off at sides due to how tall these monitors are nowadays compared with older models made years ago when pixels weren’t able yet reach their limits due lacky RAM memory available inside computers back then too

How do I get the best possible image from my projector?

Projector placement is the first thing you need to consider. If your projector is too far away or has poor lighting, it will not be able to give you an optimal image.

The screen size should match the room that you’re using it in and take into account any obstacles like walls or furniture in the way of your view.

You should also pay attention to how bright your room is – if there’s a lot of light coming through windows or skylights, then situate yourself closer to where those lights are coming from (or turn off all lights).

When setting up your projector, try placing it so that no part of its lens comes into contact with any surface behind it; this helps prevent glare from excessive light reflections which can cause distortion on projected images as well as make them harder for viewers’ eyesight systems (which rely mostly on contrast) process properly.”

Projector Resolution

Resolution is the resolution of a projector, measured in pixels per inch (PPI). The higher the resolution, the more detailed and clear an image will be. Higher resolutions also mean sharper text and images that are easier to see from farther away.

For example, if you have a 50-inch TV with 1080p resolution—that’s 1920×1080—and you’re sitting about 20 feet away from it, then your eyes will see something like 1080 lines of vertical resolution onscreen at any given time.

If you want to know how many pixels there are in this image at any given moment, divide its width by its height: 1920/1080 = 1125ppi; so we can say that there are 1125 horizontal lines visible throughout our viewing experience!

How bright should my projector be?

The brightness of a projector is measured in lumens. Lumens are a measure of how much light a projector can produce, and they’re determined by the brightness of your bulb, as well as how reflective your screen is.

The higher these numbers are on both counts, the brighter your projector will appear onscreen. A good rule to follow is this: if you’re looking at an image that has been projected onto a white wall or ceiling — like in person-to-person meetings — then it’s probably too bright for comfortable viewing; instead, you should opt for something with lower lumens (this goes back to personal preference).

Projector Aspect Ratio and Contrast Ratio

Aspect ratio is the ratio of the width of an image to its height. The most common aspect ratios are 16:9 (1.78:1), 4:3 and 5:4, but there are many others.

Contrast ratio is the difference between the brightest and darkest parts of an image, measured in absolute numbers rather than percentages or decibels.

For example, if you hold up two slide projectors side by side showing different pictures on each screen—a picture showing a blue sky with clouds overhead and another showing some grass with birds flying overhead—you’ll see that they’re both quite bright but they have very different contrast levels as shown below:

Projector Color Accuracy and Brightness Uniformity

The color accuracy and brightness uniformity of a projector are two important factors that you should consider when buying one.

Color Accuracy refers to how close the on-screen image matches real life. A good example would be if your computer screen was set at 50% brightness, but then you turned up the brightness on your monitor without changing anything else in your room or computer setup, then there would probably be some discrepancies between what you see on screen and what’s actually happening in reality.

This happens because different light sources produce different amounts of reds/yellows/blues etcetera which makes things look slightly different from each other even though they’re technically identical (e.g., an iPhone 7 vs iPhone 8).

If this doesn’t happen enough times over time then eventually people will start getting used to seeing something slightly off which leads us back full circle – we need accurate color reproduction in order for our eyes not only stay healthy but also keep up with technology changes!

Brightness Uniformity refers specifically towards how much light gets projected across all areas within an image being shown by said projector; i

Projector Lens Shift and Keystone Correction

Lens shift is a feature that allows you to move the projector’s lens farther away from the screen. It’s important to note that this has the potential to adjust how much light gets projected onto your screen, so if you’re looking for more brightness, then lens shift will help.

Keystone correction is another useful feature of projectors. Keystone correction allows you to tweak how close or far apart objects appear on your screen depending on where they are positioned relative to each other (e.g., if there were two people sitting next to each other in front of a dark wall). T

his can result in better viewing angles and higher quality images when compared with using only fixed lenses—which aren’t adjustable at all!

When should I use these features? Projectors come with both basic adjustments like brightness and contrast settings as well as advanced ones like keystone correction (if available).

If one doesn’t suit your needs then there are plenty more options out there – just make sure whatever adjustment option(s) works best for what kind of content being displayed before buying one instead because otherwise there might be some unexpected results from using different ones together later down road such as flickering lights when watching video clips on Netflix while listening live music playing nearby inside same room simultaneously within same space where both devices would normally work independently without interfering each other due not being able

Throw Ratio for Projectors

Throw ratio is the distance from your projector to the screen. In other words, it’s how far away you will have to place your projector in order for it not to be off-screen.

The higher this number (in inches or feet), the more space you need between them two objects in order for everything else on screen to show up properly.

A low throw ratio means that there isn’t as much space between them as there would be with a high one; otherwise known as having too much distance between them so no one can see anything except blackness during playback of any video or movie formats that use 1080p resolutions or higher (like UHD).

Use different methods to find the ultimate projector for your needs

There are many ways to find the ultimate projector for your needs. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use the internet to research and read reviews. You should also look at other people’s experiences with different projectors, including friends and family members who may have used them in the past.
  • Ask friends or family what they use when they go out to watch movies or TV shows at home—they might be able to help you make an informed decision!
  • Buy a projector that is not too big or too small for your space (this will depend on how many people are going to be watching). If you want something that’s going to fit nicely on top of an entertainment center cabinet, look into models from brands like Philips and Sony; these usually come with better features than those made by lesser-known companies like Epson and Panasonic.* Buy a projector with good warranty coverage—this can make all the difference if something goes wrong while using it!


There are so many factors to consider when buying a projector, but we hope that this guide has helped you narrow down your options. The best way to find the right one is by researching all of the features and then running them through different comparisons. You can even use our interactive tool if you want to see how other users have rated each model!



